The Southern Africa Society for Disaster Reduction (SASDiR) will be holding its sixth Biennial Conference in Mauritius in August 2024 in Mauritius. The conference will bring together academics, practitioners, governments and other stakeholders in disaster risk and disaster-related fields from the SADC region and beyond. Previously, SASDiR held conferences in South Africa (2012 & 2018), Namibia 2014), Zimbabwe (2016) and Malawi (2022).
About SASDiR – Established in 2012, SASDiR is committed to fostering resilience and mitigating the impact of disasters in the Southern Africa region. It stands as a beacon of collective effort and expertise in disaster reduction. SASDiR’s mission is to create a safer and more secure environment for the communities of Southern Africa by advancing knowledge, promoting collaboration, and implementing effective strategies for disaster risk reduction. We recognise this region’s unique challenges, including but not limited to natural hazards, climate change, and socio-economic vulnerabilities. Through a multidisciplinary approach, SASDiR brings together professionals, researchers, policymakers, and community leaders to address these challenges head-on.
The University of Mauritius is partnering with SASDiR as part of a joint international collaborative research project, the Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (DR3) with the University College of London, to host this event in Mauritius, Ravenala Attitude Hotel, Balaclava. This event will act as a platform to highlight the extent to which flooding, storm surges, heatwaves and drought are some of the climate disasters are affecting the livelihood and progress of SIDS and how this situation is challenging the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for SIDS. Experts will be sharing experiences in order to find potential solutions and will highlight solutions which are working for the communities.